by Ariane Hotzel | Mar 3, 2021 | Jahreszeiten, Rezept
Whiskey, beer or simply barley water? Did you know (this has nothing in common with whiskey and beer) that barley is indirect one of the best metabolism-stimulating grains? In Ayurveda, it is the favourite fibre to fight Kapha overload and is also perfect to get rid...
by Ariane Hotzel | Mar 3, 2021 | Jahreszeiten, Rezept
Whiskey, Bier oder einfach Gerstenwasser? Wusstest Du (das hat nichts mit Whiskey und Bier zu tun 😉 ), dass Gerste indirekt eines der besten stoffwechselanregenden Getreidesorten ist? Im Ayurveda ist sie sehr beliebt um das Kapha-Dosha in Balance zu bringen und um...
by Ariane Hotzel | Mar 1, 2021 | Season
People suffering from allergies are not having an easy time these days. We are looking forward to the first warm sunshine, the great weather and the reawakening of nature… and then this! Pollen! Running nose, itchy eyes… From an Ayurvedic point of view,...
by Ariane Hotzel | Mar 1, 2021 | Jahreszeiten
Allergiker haben es dieser Tage wirklich nicht leicht. Da freut man sich über die ersten warmen Sonnenstrahlen, das tolle Wetter und das Erwachen der Natur… und dann das! Pollen! Die Nase läuft, Augen kratzen… Aus ayurvedischer Sicht können Ama...
by Ariane Hotzel | Dec 27, 2020 | Season
Now? At the beginning of the new year? When is the best time? It is often obvious that after the pre-Christmas period, which was marked by freshly baked cookies and other treats, then followed by the traditional Christmas dinner (which this year was perhaps less...