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Pollen on their way?!

Pollen on their way?!

People suffering from allergies are not having an easy time these days. We are looking forward to the first warm sunshine, the great weather and the reawakening of nature... and then this! Pollen! Running nose, itchy eyes... From an Ayurvedic point of view, Ama...

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Pollen im Anflug?!

Pollen im Anflug?!

Allergiker haben es dieser Tage wirklich nicht leicht. Da freut man sich über die ersten warmen Sonnenstrahlen, das tolle Wetter und das Erwachen der Natur… und dann das! Pollen! Die Nase läuft, Augen kratzen… Aus ayurvedischer Sicht können Ama...

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Detox, Fasting, New Year’s Resolution

Detox, Fasting, New Year’s Resolution

Now? At the beginning of the new year? When is the best time? It is often obvious that after the pre-Christmas period, which was marked by freshly baked cookies and other treats, then followed by the traditional Christmas dinner (which this year was perhaps less...

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Detox, Fasten, gute Vorsätze

Detox, Fasten, gute Vorsätze

Jetzt? Zu Beginn des neuen Jahres? Wann ist die beste Zeit? Es liegt oft auf der Hand, dass man sich nach der Vorweihnachtszeit, die im Zeichen von frisch gebackenen Plätzchen und anderen Leckereien stand, dann gefolgt vom traditionellen Weihnachtsessen (was in diesem...

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Welcome to Vata-Wonderland!

Welcome to Vata-Wonderland!

Cold feet, confused head and stiff back. Now is the time to bring more warmth into your life! From an Ayurvedic point of view, this may be accompanied by a gentle Pitta fire. Outside it is cold, the days are shorter and often grey. This can be quite a challenge for...

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Vata, Pitta, Kapha – Who am I?

Vata, Pitta, Kapha – Who am I?

As a miniature of nature, according to the teachings of Ayurveda, we humans are a microcosm and thus an “offshoot” of the entire universe, the macrocosm. The five elements – space/ether, air, fire, water, earth, which can be found in everything and manifest in everything – are the basis of Ayurvedic science.

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How to start with Yoga?

How to start with Yoga?

For some, it is a sport to tighten up the butt and other parts of the body and bring them into shape. For others, it is gymnastics and stretching to compensate for other physical stress. And for others it is a spiritual practice to connect with oneself and the macro-cosmos.

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Liebling aller Yogis – Der Sonnengruß

Liebling aller Yogis – Der Sonnengruß

"Yoga Is Not About Tightening Your Ass, It Is Getting Your Head, Out Of It" Na Gott sein Dank ist Yoga auf der ganzen Welt und in fast jedem Wohnzimmer angekommen. Viele Menschen gehen mindestens einmal die Woche zu einem Kurs und mindestens genau so viele haben...

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