Whether individual or team coaching, project or structural development, everybody has reached a point where they have got stuck or lost their direction due to professional or private structures.
And yet often unresolved issues, unspoken problems or unsatisfactory situations accompany us for a long time and influence us mentally and at some point physically.
Personal components and qualities are what make us as individuals. We are unique with our strengths and deep within us lies an eternal, “our”, mission.
Dealing with stressful situations, staying powerful in difficult projects or “thinking outside the box” have also been handed down to us.
Are you aware of your potential?
Is your team aware of the unique symbiosis of different “Super-WoMen”? Is your company willing to support people in your way – as they are – in order to have healthy and productive employees and to fully exploit their potential?
Healthy at work
- Individual counselling (work-life balance, prevention)
- “Healthy climate at work” (individual counselling, support in case of conflicts and bullying)
Change management
- Individual support during restructuring processes (one-to-one consulting)
- Personality analysis for recruiting and repositioning
Individual personality development
Type determination (according to Ayurveda) with individual strengths and weaknesses analysis with different aspects:
- Health (individual advice on nutrition, lifestyle, work-life balance and prevention).
- Business (“Become who you can become” – positioning personal strengths optimally in professional life. Mastering crises. Accompanying change processes. New perspectives that motivate).