Yoga & Chakra Balance
Chakra Balancing is a fantastic healing skill as the Chakras can be stimulated and treated using specific Acupuncture Points on the spine and front of the body.
These powerful points are well known in Chinese Medicine, they have a profound effect on the Chakras as well as organ function, the hormonal, immune and nervous system.

Zentrum Zeitlos, Frankfurt am Main
Chakra Balancing can be very profound and effective in helping to cure many ailments including chronic disease. It leaves the receiver feeling calmer, more in touch with himself and peaceful. It is also easy to learn and fun to practice as you develop sensitivity and an intuitive way of connecting with energy and experiencing the Chakras in your own body.
And last but not least, you do something good for yourself to master everyday life with balance and vitality.
Gerry speaks English, German, French and Spanish.
Ariane speaks German, English, Spanish and a little bit Chinese.
(Participants may clarify anything during the breaks and will always have time to talk to the teachers individually)
Each day will be divided into:
1. Yin Yoga practice to feel and stimulate the Chakras
2. Hands-on Chakra Balancing
3. Guided Chakra Meditation
4. Theory: Psychology and Physiology of the Chakras / YogaTherapy
Daily Schedule
09.00 – 11:00 am: Yoga and Meditation
11:00 – 11:30 am Break
11:30 – 1:00 pm Theory
1:00 – 2:30 pm Lunch and Break
2:30 – 5:30 pm Practice

Gerry Rixen
He began his yoga practice with the lyengar method in London, developing his approach for more than 30 years along with professional experience as a teacher and therapist in Shiatsu and Chinese medicine.
Gerry is founder and director of SYM-Ltd, since 1997, and has taught Yoga, Shiatsu and Chinese Medicine in Spain, France, Greece, Italy and the United Kingdom.
Over the years, he has developed his knowledge of diagnosis, healing, nutrition, psychology and spirituality to create truly interesting courses and workshops related to personal growth and transformation, as well as the cure of chronic and degenerative diseases.
After completing his studies in Archaeology and Anthropology at Cambridge University, he worked as a language teacher and TV reporter / producer before devoting himself full-time to healing and teaching.

Ariane Hotzel
Health- und Lifestyle Counselor
She lived with her family in China for 5 years studying Chinese Medicine, completed her Yoga Teacher training with Gerry Rixen as well as a 300 hour cours in Yin Yoga and Meditation. Since then she has been able to open the door to yoga and a healthy lifestyle to people from all over the world.